All posts by Peter Tan

DET Forum Paraguay – Page 1

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List of DET Facilitators

News & Activities

For more information, please visit DET Forum Paraguay Facebook page.


10th August, 2017 – DET at Fernando de la Mora
Ms. Zulma Ferreira, Ms. Estela Villalba conducted DET for 30 staff of SAS at Secretary of Social Action (SAS).


2nd August, 2017 – DET at Encarnación
Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted DET for 15 disabled people, staff of organisations of and for disabled people, etc at Departamental Government Board.


1st August, 2017 – DET at Encarnación
Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted DET for 85 students and teachers of training institution for teachers at the Regional Educational Centre of Encarnación.


28th July, 2017 – DET at Coronel Oviedo
Ms. David Florentín, Ms. Julio González, Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted DET for 15 staff and users of Filial SENADIS at Filial Senadis in Coronel Oviedo.


28th July, 2017 – DET at Coronel Oviedo
Ms. David Florentín, Ms. Julio González, Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted DET for 20 educational administrative supervisors and pedagogical supervisors at Parroquial college in Coronel Oviedo.


27th July, 2017 – DET at Pilar
Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted DET for 16 staff of departmental government of the Departmental government of Ñeembucu in Pilar.


27th July, 2017 – DET at Pilar
Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted DET for 35 participants comprising commanders, officials, sub-officials, lieutenants, sub-lieutenants and cadets of Calvary Regiment at Pilar.


26th July, 2017 – DET at Pilar
Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted DET for 55 staff of Municipality government of Municipality government of Pilar.


26th July, 2017 – DET at Pilar
Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted DET for 13 staff of Power of attorney and Ministry of Public Defense at Power of attorney, Pilar.


26th July, 2017 – DET at Pilar
Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted DET for 19 staff of University of FCCAye.


20th July, 2017 – DET at Concepcion
Mr. Victor Zavala, Ms. Gabriela Cáceres and Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted DET for 13 educational supervisors and coordinators of Filial SENADIS.


20th July, 2017 – DET at Concepcion
Ms. Zulma Ferreira, Ms. Gabriela Cáceres and Mr. Victor Zavala conducted DET for 12 staff of departmental government of Concepcion.


19th July, 2017 – DET at Concepcion
Ms. Gabriela Cáceres, Mr. Victor Zavala and Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted DET for 23 students of UNC (faculty of education science), members of Association of the Deaf at National University of Concepción (UNC).


19th July, 2017 – DET at Concepcion
Mr. Victor Zavala, Ms. Gabriela Cáceres and Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted DET for 18 members of the Association of the Deaf, Association of the Blind and other Disabled People at Filial SENADIS in Concepcion.


17th July, 2017 – DET at Asuncion
Ms. Estela Villalba, Ms. Maria Elena Cáceres and Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted DET for 21 staff of ANDE (Head and staff of different areas) at the : National Administration of Electricity (ANDE).


7th July, 2017 – DET at San Lorenzo
Ms. Vanessa Báez, Ms. Paola Duarte and Mr. Werner Martínez conducted DET for 7 students of UNA at the National University of Asuncion (UNA), Faculty of Chemical Science.


30th June, 2017 – DET at San Lorenzo
Mr. David Florentín and Mr. Julio González conducted DET for 40 participants (divided into 2 groups and conducted 2 times) comprising staff of Fundación Visión (NGO) at Fundación Visión.


29th June, 2017 – DET at Pilar
Ms. Selba Sosa, Ms. Selva Riquelme and Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted DET for 18 staff of Filial de Pilar, Electoral Board at Filial SENADIS,


24th June, 2017 – DET at Asuncion
Ms. Estela Villalba, Ms. Zulma Ferreira and Ms. Vanessa Báez conducted DET for 21 staff of ANDE at the National Administration of Electricity (ANDE) in Asuncion.


23rd June, 2017 – DET at Aregua
Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted DET for 18 participants comprising villagers of the community and others at the Community Centre of Villa Salvador.


20th June, 2017 – DET at Fernando de la Mora
Ms. Estela Villalba and Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted DET for 8 members of working group of Labour Inclusion at SENADIS.


19th June, 2017 – DET in Asuncion
Mr. Inocencio Benitez, Ms. Zulma Ferreira and Ms. Estela Villalba conducted DET for 16 participants comprising staff of Asuncion municipal government, Ministry of Education and Science, Touring Club Paraguay, coordinator of UNICEF at the Centre for production and support for Inclusion (CEPAI).


14th June, 2017 – DET in San Estanislao
Ms. Martha Aguilera and Ms. Estela Villalba conducted DET for 22 staff of departmental coordination, supervisors and technicians for supervision at the Departmental coordination for education.


2th June, 2017 – DET in San Estanislao
Ms. Martha Aguilera and Ms. Estela Villalba conducted DET for 17 staff of SENADIS Filial in Santani.


19th May, 2017 – DET in Coronel Oviedo, Caaguazu
Mr. David Florentín, Mr. Julio González, Ms. Selva Riquelme, Ms. Selba Sosa and Ms. Zulma Ferreira conducted for 14 participants comprising staff of Filial SENADIS, Fundación Visión, departmental government, department of educational supervision, Dr. of Clinic “Belén”, association of the Blind and staff of centre for formation of the Blind persons at the Caaguazú departmental government.


18th May, 2017 – DET in Fernando de la Mora
Ms. Zulma Ferreira and Ms. Estela Villalba conducted DET for 8 members of department of early attention at SENADIS.


7th April, 2017 – DET for SENADIS Filial in Villarrica
Mr. Julio Gonzalez, Mr. David Florentín and Ms. Martha Aguilera conducted DET for 14 staff and users of SENADIS Filian in Vallarrica.


6th April, 2017 – DET for CIPAE Asuncion
Ms. Zulma Ferreira, Ms. Estela Villalba and Mr. Victor Zavala conducted DET for 10 staff and volunteers of CIPAE.


Training of facilitators of DET was held at Asuncion from 6 to 20 March 2017, and 20 participants completed the course.


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National Coordinator
Name: Ms. Vanessa Báez Génez
(Details: see below)

Name: Ms. Zulma Myriam Ferreira Servín
Organisation: Secretaría Nacional por los Derechos Humanos de las Personas con Discapacidad (SENADIS)
Address: Yeruti y Jacaranda
Telephone: 021 670593 / 021 670569
Fax: 021 670665/66
Email: zulma_senadis(at) /

Name: Ms. María Elena Cáceres Zarza
Organisation: Secretaría Nacional por los Derechos Humanos de las Personas con Discapacidad(SENADIS)
Address: Yeruti y Jacaranda
Telephone: 021 670593 / 021 670569
Fax: 021 670665/66
Email: malecaceresz(at) / d.descentralizacion.senadis(at)

Name: Ms. Martha Magdalena Aguilera
Organisation: SENADIS- Filial de Santani
Address: Independencia Nacional C/Mcal Estigarribia
Telephone: 0971-166288
Email: martha.magdama(at) / senadis_santani(at)

Name: Mr. David Ricardo Florentin P.
Organisation: Centro de Formación de Ciegos de Cnel.Oviedo
Address: Cerro Cora c/Dr.Roberto Gonzalez Chavez
Telephone: 0994-215200
Email: davidflorentinper(at) /

Name: Mr. Julio Cesar Gonzalez Fariña
Organisation: Institución Voluntarios Gua’i
Address: Institucion Comunero, Mayor Buyo
Telephone: 0994 478 099
Email: juliogonzalez_86(at) / prietomarin76(at)

Name: Mr. Victor Zavala Victor
Organisation: Mesa Coord. Accion por los DDHH de la PcD (ADEHPDis-Concepcion)
Address: Gral Garal 422, Concepcion
Telephone: 0984 644 723
Email: victor.manu(at)

Name: Mr. Edgar Daniel Gayoso Miskinich
Organisation: Fundación SARAKI
Address: Hassler Nº 6446 Entre R.I 2 Ytororó y Boggiani
Telephone: (021) 202 – 155 / (021) 202 – 155
Email: edgardani84(at) / secretaria(at)

Name: Mr. Mario Ruben Marecos
Organisation: Fundación Lidia B. Vda. de Portillo “Hogar Albino Luis
Address: Alberto De Sousa, Asunción
Telephone: (021) 601 495
Email: o.sirc07(at) / fundlbdp(at)

Name: Ms. Paola Amelia Duarte
Organisation: Centro de Sordos del Paraguay
Address: Prof. Dr. Luis de Gásper Nº 3194 c/Universitarios del Chaco
Telephone: 0992 265 272
Email: pamelia_duarte(at) / centrodesordos.paraguay(at)

Name: Mr. Werner Martinez
Organisation: Asociación Paraguaya de Sordos (APS) / FENAPAS
Address: Juan León Mallorquín 232 esq. Prof. García
Telephone: 0982 712 730
Fax: 582-760
Email: wernermartinez7(at) / asoparsordos(at)

Name: Mr. Carlos Alberto Sanchez Martinez
Organisation: Instituto Antonio Provolo
Organisation: Área 8 – supercarretera
Telephone: 0971 495 005
Fax: 061 571304
Email: kikoga123(at)

Name: Ms. Martha Ermelinda Vallejos Brítez
Organisation: AGORA Paraguay Centro de Rehabilitación para Personas Ciegas, Servicio Nacional de Promocion Profesional (SNPP)
Address: Av.Molas Lopez Nº 480
Telephone: 021 607609
Fax: 021 607609
Email: vallejosbritezm(at) / pagorapy(at)

Name: Mr. Rodrigo Osvaldo Solalinde Dominguez
Address: Tte. Fariña entre Paraguari y Manuel Ortiz Guerrero
Tel: 0986-471989 / 021-447633
Email: rorrisola1981(at)

Name: Ms. Vanessa Báez Génez
Organisation: Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Club Yakaruedas
Address: San Lorenzo
Telephone: 0974 764044
Email: vanechimul(at) / clubyakaruedas(at)
Website: /

Name: Lilia Estela Villalba
Organisation: Secretaría Nacional por los Derechos Humanos de las Personas con Discapacidad ( SENADIS)
Address: Yeruti y Jacaranda
Telephone: 021670593 / 021670569
Fax: 021670665/66
Email: vliliaestela(at) / d.descentralizacion.senadis(at)

Name: Ms. Elsie Gabriela Cáceres Wood
Organisation: Grupo Impulsor Incluir Concepción
Address: Tte.Florencio Gómez y gral Díaz
Telephone: 0991 494 754
Fax: 0331 243238
Email: gabychulobi(at)
Facebook: Grupo incluir Concepción

Name: Ms. Selba Soledad Sosa Rojas
Organisation: Senepa (MSPyBS)
Address: Manuel Domínguez. C/Brasil
Telephone: 021 211478
Fax: 021 211478
Email: selbasosa(at) / comunicacionsenepa1(at)

Name: Ms. Selva Evangelina Riquelme León
Organisation: Senepa (MSPyBS)
Address: Manuel Domínguez. C/Brasil
Telephone: 021 211478
Fax: 021 211478
Email: selvariquelme(at) / comunicacionsenepa1(at)