
DET Forum Rwanda

English / Kinyarwana

News & Activities
The first DET Trainers Training course in Rwanda was held at Musanze on 11th-21st December 2012. 15 participants one from South Africa successfully completed the course. Main facilitator was Kenji Kuno (Japan). This course was held as a part of the Disability Project of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

National Coordinator
Name: Mr. Bahati Satir Omar (Rwanda National Coordinator)
Organisation: National Council of Persons with Disabilities(NCPD)
Tel: (+250)788400063 / 0788516641 / 0728516641
E-mail: satir.bahati(at)gmail.com / nudor2010@gmail.com
Website: www.nudordisabilityrwanda.org

DET Facilitators
Name: Mr. Habimana Louis (Physical – leg)
Organisation: National Committee of Paralympic (NPC)
Address: Remera Sector, Gasabo District, Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: 0788672739 / 0783885129
Email: louintos(at)yahoo.com / info(at)npcrwanda.com
Website: www.npcrwanda.com/

Name: Mr. Mugisha Jacques (Blind)
Organisation: Rwanda Union of the Blind (RUB)
TEL: +250 788856671 / 0788599547
Email: jamugisha(at)gmail.com / info@rub-ura.org
Website: www.rub-ura.org

Name: Ms. Tumusiime Sharon (Physical – wheelchair)
Organisation: HVP Gatagara
Address: Gatara Sector, Rwezamenyo District, Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: 255108928 / 0788651180
Email: tumusiime74(at)yahoo.fr / hvp_butare(at)yahoo.fr
Website: www.gatagara.org

Name: Mr. Uwitonze Hesron (Physical – crutches)
Organisation: Musanze District
Address: Muhoza Sector, Musanze District, Rwanda
TEL: 0788404406 / 0788467824 / 0728267824
Email: hestonze(at)yahoo.fr / vinda01(at)yahoo.fr
Website: www.musanze.gov.rw

Name: Mr. Mudaheranwa Mathias (Physical – leg)
Organisation: National Council of Persons with Disabilities(NCPD)
Address: Muhoza Sector, Musanze District, Rwanda
Tel: (+250)88682421 / 0783263755
Email: alonzayi(at)yahoo.com / info(at)ncpd.gov.rw
Website: www.ncpd.gov.rw

Name: Mr. Gatusi Ndagwije Justin (Physical – crutches)
Organisation: Umbrella of People with Disabilities in the Against HIV and AIDS (UPHLS)
Address: Kacyiru Sector, Gasabo District, Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: 0788561683 / 0788344552 / 0788513393
Email: ndagat2011(at)yahoo.fr / info(at)uphls.org
Website: www.uphls.org

Name: Mr. Kuradusenge Valence (Physical – leg)
Organisation: National Council of Persons with Disabilities(NCPD)
Address: Gakenke Sector, Gakenke District, Rwanda
Tel: (+250)88682421 / 0783641175
Email: v.kuradusenge(at)yahoo.com / gakenkedistrict02(at)yahoo.fr
Website: www.ncpd.gov.rw

Name: Ndagijimana Olivier (Physucal – arm)
Organisation: Umbrella of people with disabilities in the against HIV and AIDS(UPHLS)
Address: Kacyiru Sector, Gasabo District, Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: 0788561683 / 0788344552 / 0788600650/ 0725981962
Email: o.ndagijimana(at)yahoo.fr / info@uphls.org
Website: www.uphls.org

Name: Mr. Shyirambere Bruno (Physical – crutches)
Organisation: National Council of Persons with Disabilities(NCPD)
Address: Kacyiru Sector, Gasabo District, Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: (+250)88682421 / 0788409360
Email: bshyirambere(at)gmail.com / info@ncpd.gov.rw
Website: www.ncpd.gov.rw

Name: Mr. Sabena Joseph (Physical – wheelchair)
Organisation: Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Commission (RDRC)
Address: Remera Sector, Gasabo District, Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: (+250)587159 / 078851496
Fax: (+250)587160
Email: sabenajoseph(at)yahoo.co.uk / demobrwanda(at)yahoo.com
Website: demobrwanda.org.rw

Name: Mr. Ndekezi John (Physical – wheelchair)
Organisation: Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Commission (RDRC)
Address: Remera Sector, Gasabo District, Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: +250-783302619 / 0783302619
Fax: (+250)587160
Email: ndekezijohn(at)yahoo.co.uk / demobrwanda(at)yahoo.com
Website: demobrwanda.org.rw

Name: Ms. Mukamana Susane (Deaf)
Organisation: Rwanda National Union of the Deaf (RNUD)
Address: Kicukiro Sector, Kicukiro District, Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: 0788433444 / 0783444028 / 0725627558
Email: susanchouchou2005(at)yahoo.fr / infornud2010(at)gmail.com
Website: rnud.org/new/

Name: Mr. Twizermana David (Physical – arm)
Organisation: Troupe des person Handicap Twuzuzanyewanda (THT)
Address: Nyarugenge Sector, Rwezamenyo District, Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: ‘+250788556047 / 0788998988
Email: twizeredav211(at)yahoo.fr / thttwuzuzanye(at)yahoo.fr
Website: thttwuzuzanye.wordpress.com

Name: Mr. Murera Emmanuel (Physical impairment)
Organisation: National Council of Persons with Disabilities(NCPD)
Address: Kacyiru Sector, Gasabo District, Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: (+250)88682421 / (+250)788359306
Email: emmanuelmurera@gmail.com / emurera@ncpd.gov.rw / info@ncpd.gov.rw
Website: www.ncpd.gov.rw

Name: Renzaho Faustin (Physical impairment)
Organisation: NUDOR (National Union of Disabilities Organisation of Rwanda)
Address: Kimihurura Sector, Gasabo District, Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: (+250)788400063 / (+250)788479385
Email: renzaho2003@yahoo.fr / nudor2010@gmail.com
Website: www.nudor.org

*Email: Replace (at) with @.